

 About TemFi Project TemFi Coin (FI) is a BEP20 decentralized crypto token on Binance Smart Chain, we  build a safe, fair social community and provide many ways to earn as by staking, voting, Referral, NFT selling, fund receiving. The one of new Metaverse social platform created self Token to use it as the main cryptocurrency to allow membership users send, receive, trade, manage, vote or make payment for all transactions A Fairness NFT Marketplace where users can create, sell NFT items from their own digital assets, physical products property with a new protocol to set sell price, support all commands buy, rebuy, sell, resell, return đŸ›¡Trusting Project TemFi token information has been updated and verified on BSC, project is safety with community check  here 100% TemFi token supply is fair listing for sale on public exchange platforms without any sale events such as Pre-sale, Private Sale, ICO, IDO Sale. Buy, sell with No Tax fee. Low transactions fee. Slippage price only set 0.1% to 1