
 About TemFi Project

TemFi Coin (FI) is a BEP20 decentralized crypto token on Binance Smart Chain, we build a safe, fair social community and provide many ways to earn as by staking, voting, Referral, NFT selling, fund receiving.

The one of new Metaverse social platform created self Token to use it as the main cryptocurrency to allow membership users send, receive, trade, manage, vote or make payment for all transactions

A Fairness NFT Marketplace where users can create, sell NFT items from their own digital assets, physical products property with a new protocol to set sell price, support all commands buy, rebuy, sell, resell, return

🛡Trusting Project

TemFi token information has been updated and verified on BSC, project is safety with community check here

100% TemFi token supply is fair listing for sale on public exchange platforms without any sale events such as Pre-sale, Private Sale, ICO, IDO Sale.

Buy, sell with No Tax fee. Low transactions fee. Slippage price only set 0.1% to 1%

Our coin smart contract very clearly means we can't change buy, sell tax fee, can't mint more tokens, and block sell command disabled. These permissions decide that the project has been trusted or not

These features make our token safe with the community

TemFi Official Links








Token Information

Token Name: TemFi

Token Symbol: FI

Token Contract Address


Decimals: 9

Deployed on: Binance Smart Chain

Total Supply: 11,000,000

Max Supply: 11,000,000

Token Logo

Token Distribution

60% tokens added to liquidity be locked for sale on Crypto Exchange Platforms

25% used for trading on our NFT Marketplace

10% has been burned

5% owned by Developers Team


✅TemFi Coin was created

✅The official website has launched

✅Smart contract is verified

✅Connect with community social sites

✅Distribute token completed

1,100,000 tokens sent to 2 Black Hole Wallets (burned)

✅Coin Airdrop event has been finished

✅Create voting reviews Platform for Crypto projects

Rank "TemFi" keyword on top search on Google, Bing, Yahoo

Purchase website SEO packages

Launch token for sale on Pancakeswap

Run Influencers Marketing

Get listed on Coingecko

Reach $100M Market Cap

Submit on Coinmarketcap listing

Build Metaverse Social Network

Target $150M Market Cap

Update token information, trademark logo

Get listing on Gate.io

Target $250M Market Cap

Certik audit submission

Release NFT Marketplace

Publish TemFi app on Google Play, Apple Store

Run permanent Marketing

Reach to target $500M Market Cap

Apply list on crypto.com, Huobi Global for trading

Target $750M Market Cap

Add trade on Binance

Target Target $1B Market Cap

Build Center Data Server located in the US

Coinbase Exchange Network Submission

Target $5B Market Cap

Establish a financial company with headquarters location in US

Reach to 10B Market Cap

Develop Global Crypto Payments Merchant Gateway

Partnership for advertising as sponsor

Reach to 50B Market Cap

Open an investment fund to support startup companies research into environmentally friendly technology products

Ways To Earn

+ Staking to earn

+ Receive FI from friends, people

+ Sell your NFT items get paid with TemFi Coin

+ Vote for crypto projects to earn

+ Referal earning program

WhitePaper composed by

TemFi Team

The last update time: 12/30/2021 in USA
